After a successful conference in 2023 the Social Justice Conference is returning. We have a host of renowned national and international speakers, a packed programme where you will hear about a range of collaborative an innovative projects being delivered across the UK and beyond plus a fantastic exhibition space filled with lots of informative and ground breaking work.

Our 2024 conference will cover a range of social justice topics including substance use and harm reduction, domestic abuse, young people services, criminal justice and housing and homelessness.

A small flavour of what’s to come: We will hear from Claire Longmuir and Hannah Boyle from Simon Community Scotland about the groundbreaking new women’s centre in Glasgow, from Ben Scher about a qualitative study carried out in Greece on the Athens Drug Consumption Room, from Jac Charlier about work with deflection and diversion in America and from Aura Roig regarding the work of Metzineres in Barcelona for women and non-gender conforming people surviving multiple situations of violence.

Further Conference Details

Date & Venue:  18th to 20th September
Birmingham Conference & Events Centre

Three-day tickets remain available at the excellent price of just £250 plus VAT, this includes full access to all areas, a full lunch for all three days plus free flowing tea and coffee for the duration of the conference .

Book your ticket

If you would like to exhibit the work we have an excellent offer, £750 + VAT for a 6ft exhibition space and two delegate tickets for the three-days, only a few spaces left so be fast.

For further information, group bookings or to enquire about an exhibition space email conference lead Peter Krykant on [email protected] and [email protected]  

We look forward to seeing you at the conference