Dennis Lynch

About me and my practice

I am now 70 years old and semi retired and am attached to a treatment centre in Kent. I specialise in all addictive processes and behaviours and work with both 12 step and cbt. I hold zoom groups and one to one as well as face to face and telephone I have a good network of ex clients with strong recovery who are an additional source of support. I have a network of clients who attend Zoom aftercare meetings I firmly believe that ongoing support is paramount in maintaining a healthy recovery.

Outline of offer

I have over the years developed what I believe is an affordable method for clients who do not wish or cannot afford inpatient treatment. My fees are £45. Per hour payable in blocks of £90.(2). This can be used in a 5minute call for quick advice or as long as is necessary up to one hour. The idea is to generate safe constant support.


38 years as a recovering alcoholic, workaholic with relationship and compulsive helping secondary issues. Worked as a counsellor since 1994, so my experience is both personal and professional

Contact details

Email: [email protected]

07555 131 661 (44)