
CPD Membership provides a minimum of 15 hours of high quality continuing professional development (CPD) per year on a range of relevant topics in the addictions field. Benefits include:

  • Regular clinical and policy updates
  • Webinars
  • Special offers including discounts on selected training events and products


Our webinars cover up-to-date issues that practitioners face, delivered by experts. See our future webinars. Webinars from the last 18 months which can be watched immediately by joining Premium Membership include:

Medicines used for alcohol use disorders – reflections with reference to the Draft National Alcohol Clinical Guidelines
Presenter: Graham Parsons, Director of Pharmacy Humankind discusses how the new alcohol guidelines may influence practice.

How drug related deaths can influence access to medicines
Presenter:  Dr Caroline S Copeland, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology & Toxicology, Director of the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, takes us through the latest evidence

Current trends in the UK illicit drug market
Presenter: Dr Caroline S Copeland, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology & Toxicology, Director of the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths takes us through the latest evidence

Improving Hospital Opioid Substitute Treatment (iHOST): an intervention to improve hospital care for people who use opioids
Presenter: Professor Magdalena Harris discusses the findings of her research on removing barriers to opioid withdrawal management, and the next steps of the project to improving care for people in hospital on opioid substitute treatment.

Clinical updates

Thomas Jones, Service Lead for the Alcohol Care Team at King's College Hospital is our Clinical update editor. Every 3 months he provides summaries of the most recent research and provides commentary on what it means for the field. 

View Clinical Update snippets