Reaccreditation criteria

NCAC accreditation is valid for three years, after which members must apply for reaccreditation. To be reaccredited, practising counsellors need to meet the following criteria:

1 You are a Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner or Associate Member 

2 Complete the application form. 

Please be aware of the following:

  • Applications for re-accreditation may be made in the three calendar months before accreditation expires, and in the calendar year following expiry. Successful re-applications will be dated as from the date of expiry of the previous accreditation period.
  • The application form will ask you whether you have received regular supervision, in line with AP guidance, in the period since accreditation was last awarded.
  • Non-practising counsellors can also re-accredit provided they meet the criteria above for membership and professional development, and in addition the supervision criterion for any period during which they have been practising since they were last accredited.

3 Provide evidence of continuing professional development (CPD) in at least three of the following categories during the period prior to your reaccreditation application. 

A minimum total of seventy-two hours over the three years is required; forty eight of which should fall under categories A and B, with a minimum of 24 being under category A. A combination of hours under categories C and D is expected for the remaining hours.

A  Face to Face Learning and Skills Development
Topics covered should be relevant to professional practice in the addictions field. They must include some practical elements and not solely have been delivered in lecture/seminar format. This must NOT be in the form of online courses or teaching on face to face courses.

On line Learning relevant to professional practice
Education evidence submitted must be from an institution deemed qualified to deliver such education. Topics covered should be relevant to professional practice in the addictions. This may be covered by online courses including Premium CPD Membership webinars – please see note E.

 C Attendance at Seminars and Conferences
Themes presented must have been relevant to professional practice in the addictions field.
 D Involvement in the professional development of others
This does not include the professional practitioner supervision of others. For example, areas deemed applicable are designing courses, facilitating courses, training sessions, speaking at conferences, writing articles relevant to professional practice in the field, research, encouraging the development of others through initiatives relevant to professional practice. For example, Premium CPD Membership Clinical and Research Updates.

Reflective Statement on A, B, C and D
1000 words or more describing how your CPD has helped you to develop your work as an addictions counsellor and also how it might have complemented your own personal development.

    Please be aware of the following:

    • Wherever practical you should aim to average out your training on an annual basis. 
    • Please note that membership of Mutual Aid groups will not be accepted as CPD.
    • Please provide documentary evidence that you have completed the hours being claimed (under categories A to D). This should either be in the form of a certificate (please note that hours claimed may be checked with the training provider) but if this is not practical it should be in the form of a letter from the training organisation concerned, or from your employer/supervisor at the time if they are able to validate the hours claimed.

    4 The fee for re-accreditation is £100 (non refundable). Payment must be made by bank transfer – details can be found on the application form.

    Reaccreditation check list

    Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner or Associate member?
    Application form completed?
    Evidence of CPD included?
    Payment made?

    Follow this link for information about the assessment process.