The NSMNMPF acute hospital setting specialist interest group (SIG) may be of interest to non-medical prescribers (both qualified and currently in training) who work in acute hospital settings (both general and psychiatric), and have a special interest or role in substance misuse. You must be a member of the NSMNMPF to join (free), application forms are available via the website:

The aim of the group is to promote high quality, safe non-medical prescribing in the substance misuse field, enabling members to: access peer support; explore practical challenges; share what works; and learn from others within acute hospital settings by:

  • Sharing topics of conversation via member group email involving clinical scenarios or prescribing dilemmas in which members are encouraged to contribute, as a forum for discussing and sharing experience and knowledge of specific alcohol or other drug related issues.

  • Organising and facilitating face to face meetings with guest speakers on varying relevant substance misuse topics and discussing and sharing best clinical practice when making prescribing decisions for this patient group.

If you are interested in joining this group please contact the chair of the NSMNMPF and they will pass on your details to the chair of the NSMNMPF's acute hospital setting SIG who will make contact with you and invite you formally into the group.