Jason Kew

About me and my practice

I am currently working in a variety of roles that connect different sectors of addiction, recovery, treatment, justice, and harm reduction. As senior innovative practice officer at the Centre for Justice Innovation, I work with UK and international Governmental departments, police, NGOs and local authorities to co-develop areas of policy practice and implementation of drug diversion schemes, Problem-solving, and family drug and alcohol courts. I am currently commissioned by several local public health authorities in Berkshire to coordinate and lead the whole system combating drug partnership, drug alert system, and drug death overview panel. Additionally, I have worked with Greater Manchester Police and combined authority to co-develop their drug strategy framework.

Outline of offer

I work with and throughout the whole system of justice and public health, to understand needs and provide solutions to reduce drug harm.


  • Detective Chief Inspector with Thames Valley Police - drug strategy lead
  • Home Office - South East East Heroin and Crack Action area coordinator
  • Berkshire Public Health - Combating drugs partnership lead, Drug alert system lead, and drug death overview panel lead
  • Torbay community safety partnership harm reduction consultant
  • Torbay Public Health recovery pathways consultant
  • NIHR - Young persons drug education project board chair. (DSM Fdn) Prof Betsy Thom)
  • NIHR - Crack pipe provision board member (Prof Magdelena Harris)
  • NIHR - Drug Diversion UK evaluation (Prof Alex Stevens)
  • NIHR - University students drugs education (Prof Adam Winstock)
  • Drug and alcohol trainer (Druglink and Uni West England)
  • Visiting fellow Uni South Wales
  • Honorary Member Faculty of Public Health (Drugs SIG)
  • Trustee - Transform Drugs Policy Fdn
  • Trustee - Landworks
  • ISSUP - Board member
  • Enhanced Harm Reduction working group - Drug Science

Contact details

44 (0)7733 487282

[email protected]
