SMMGP are excited to announce the launch of our new Clinical guidelines for the use of depot buprenorphine (Buvidal) in the treatment of opioid dependence

Long-acting buprenorphine offers unique options in the community, including addressing some of the challenges raised by the pandemic.

To read a copy of the guidelines, please click here.

We are running a series of FREE webinars on prolonged-release buprenorphine to support the guidelines.

Buvidal: an introduction to first available prolonged release buprenorphine in the UK

Buvidal: an introduction to first available prolonged release buprenorphine in the UK

Thur, May 7, 6pm - 7pm

Dr Bernadette Hard, GP Specialist in Addictions, Kaleidoscope 

Dr Jan Melichar, Visiting Senior Lecturer in Psychopharmacology of Addiction, University of Bath Consultant Psychiatrist in Substance Misuse, Cardiff and Vale UHB, NHS Wales

This webinar will provide information regarding treatment selection of prolonged-release formulations including basic pharmacology and issues regarding introducing Buvidal into service provision


Buvidal in a range of challenging community scenarios - including a pandemic

Thur, May 14, 6pm - 7pm

Dr Bernadette Hard, GP Specialist in Addictions, Kaleidoscope

Dr Jan Melichar, Visiting Senior Lecturer in Psychopharmacology of Addiction, University of Bath Consultant Psychiatrist in Substance Misuse, Cardiff and Vale UHB, NHS Wales

Buvidal in a range of challenging community scenario’s - including a pandemic

This webinar will consider clinical issues regarding prolonged-release buprenorphine, including it's use during the COVID-19 pandemic


Depot buprenorphine in the criminal justice system

Date to be confirmed.

Useful resources for Covid-19

The SSA (Society for the study of addiction) have put together a list of useful resources for covid-19. Their lists includes:

  • Useful coronavirus (COVID-19) links
  • Safeguarding OST and needle exchange services amidst the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Treatment staff defined as key workers

Collective Voice have put together some useful guidance within their blog, including:

  • NCVO – Your organisation and coronavirus [advice for charities]
  • NHS – Coronavirus (COVID-19) overview
  • Public Health England – Guidance on residential care provision (13.3.20)

Please see our website for more details.

Free online recovery support

We are pleased to let you know that the Breaking Free Group have kindly extended their offer to give our members the ability to sign up for free to their evidence-based recovery support programme (for which there is usually a fee).

This could be invaluable for people with drug and alcohol problems who cannot be seen face-to-face at the moment.

More information

Watch again

Reducing drug-related deaths in criminal justice settings

This webinar covered issues in the criminal justice system regarding drug-related deaths, and measures that can be taken to reduce them. It will include provision of naloxone and approaches for both secure environments and the community. Click here to watch.

Medical cannabis and the treatment of pain

This webinar includes the use of medical cannabis in the treatment of pain;
and the views of a patient with lived experience. Click here to watch.