Inclusion Resources made available

Inclusion, part of the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has spent a great deal of time developing information resources in response to the needs of our patients and service users across England - this literature mainly responds to requests within our drug and alcohol services, but has a broader applicability to people who use our mental health, sexual health, recovery college and psychological therapy services.

Including 28 leaflets and one poster there is a range of information regarding different illicit substances and alcohol as well as information specific to Covid 19. These are available at their website.

These resources are now available free of charge to anyone who would find them useful. Inclusion, as part of the NHS is committed to working in an open and transparent way and supporting the best quality services we can.

COVID-19 & the impact on the drugs market

Release is setting up a network of people across the UK to provide information on what is going on in the drugs market in light of the Coronavirus | Release, UK

Introducing GDS Corona Conversations - video

GDS Corona Conversations is a series of video interviews with experts around the world on how the current COVID19 pandemic is having an effect on people who use drugs. These experts include drug policy analyst, harm reduction workers, frontline health care professionals and of course users themselves | Global Drug Survey, UK

The SMART Response to Covid-19

We understand that uncertainty and change can be difficult to deal with. UKSR is doing everything possible to provide alternative resources. Meeting participants should be signposted to alternatives that SMART are offering e.g. online meetings. Details of all these alternative resources will be communicated extensively via all our media platforms. 
Open PDF to view full details.

UKSR Website 
Online Meetings

The SSA (Society for the study of addiction) have put together a list of useful resources for covid-19. Their lists includes:

Please see their website for a full list of resources.

Collective Voice have put together some useful guidance within their blog, including:

Please visit their blog for full details.